Tips for Beginner Lifestyle Couples

Hey Naughty Friends!! So, I have been getting asked and seeing questions about tips for this year’s Naughty N’awlins from first-timers. My always go-to answer is to attend the welcome seminar, you will meet new couples just like yourselves and it’s very informative. It will introduce you to what we are all about and will answer a lot of your questions. There is a lot going on all week so it’s good to have a list of things you want to add to your schedule.

Here are a few tips for those coming to Naughty N’awlins for the first time:  

  • Download our schedule app Sched. Once we have the full schedule up, we will announce it’s ready to download. This will give you a detailed schedule of everything for the event.

  • Pace yourself, we have a lot of classes, seminars, and Bourbon Street parties going on at the same time. You don’t have to attend everything, spread out your schedule.

  • Wear comfortable shoes and clothes during the day if you are spending time away from your hotel, it is boiling in New Orleans.

  • Stay hydrated, and keep extra bottled water in your room, I like to bring Liquid IV powder, water, and Gatorade with me.

  • Make plans with friends, get to know each other over lunch, and enjoy some of the best New Orleans cuisines, or invite old friends and walk the French Quarter together.


  • Theme Nights: Dress up together in matching outfits, go all out! I am a people watcher, so theme nights are my favorite. I love seeing what everyone is wearing. We will have plenty of photo backdrops for you to take pictures. Check out the themes for Naughty N’awlins 2023 here.

  • Naughty Members, our staff will be having virtual nights to get to know everyone. Join Other Naughty Members in chat rooms and meet up before the event, it is a great icebreaker and for new members attending it is nice to see familiar faces when you arrive.

  • We will always have our people everywhere wearing our Naughty Staff shirts, we are there for you. Don’t hesitate to stop us and ask questions, we are there to help you in any way.


Finally, there are lots more tips and questions to answer but we will be covering a lot from now until July. Make sure you join us in the member chats and in our newsletter. I’m looking forward to this year’s Naughty N’awlins 25th and looking forward to seeing you.


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