Naughty playrooms: FAQs and more

At our events, you are able to truly express your sexual freedom in a safe, adults-only, non-judgmental, clean, and refined space surrounded by other like-minded adults and industry-leading professionals who make it their life’s work to protect you and ensure you that you have a sexy and safe time.

You do not need to be non-monogamous or a swinger to attend Naughty N’awlins, but you need to have an open mind about these things. We have many couples who just want to watch (voyeurs) or their fantasy is being watched (exhibitionists). We have other couples who never go onto the play floor and that is fine too. We respect everyone’s boundaries and we want everyone to feel welcome and safe.

Our playrooms are the main attraction when it comes to demonstrating sexual freedom. Over the years, the Naughty playrooms have evolved. We’ve learned from experiences we’ve had all over the world and over decades of experience. 25 years after our very first play party, we are proud and grateful to still be evolving, to be on top of how things are changing, and to always be reinventing the way we provide you with a Naughty experience.

We always ask that you read our Naughty Consent Policy thoroughly before coming into the playrooms, even if you’ve already been to our events and played in the playrooms before. It’s good practice to know the latest customs and formalities of the lifestyle and sex-positive world as times change in order to avoid negative situations.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our Naughty playrooms whether this is your first time or you just want to update your knowledge of our rules, guidelines, and operations.

Are there different types of playrooms? Are they labeled or are there different terms?

Yes! We segment our playrooms into various themes, with different intentions. We have a group playroom that’s set up for multiple parties to easily intermingle with each other. We have gorgeous playrooms with decadent tapestries and bedding that are perfect for just the right amount of privacy with just a hint of exposure. The playrooms are all labeled on the outside of the rooms so you know which one is which before you go in. They include:

Plus 1 Room: For Couples looking for singles

Tantra Room: For more sensual play and to try out techniques learned during our daily Tantra classes

Group Room: This is our largest room, with over 60 beds

White Room: This is our prettiest room, with crystals and white lights

Semi-Private & Private rooms: We have three playrooms with different colors for private or semi-private play

Bisexual Room: For bisexuals, and that includes both men and women

Toy Room: A room with the Sybian, Motor Bunny, Hitachi Wands, a swing, and other toys

Will the dress code be written or verbally explained?

Yes, there is a dress code—and it is strictly enforced. “Street clothes” or anything you would wear in a public setting is not allowed on the playroom floor. You must be in lingerie, pajamas, loungewear, or nude.

On the right is our “Naughty Dress Down” Policy which you’re going to see outside of our playrooms.

When we went to events 20 years ago, most of the events rented out a couple of hotel rooms and simply opened them up for people to play in. What we noticed is that they didn’t get much action. They were always empty, late into the evening with people standing outside, talking loudly, with drinks in their hands. So we decided to require a dress code that encouraged people to take the playrooms more seriously and to differentiate those who were playing from those who were actually monitoring the playrooms.

On the playroom floor, our staff will be wearing purple t-shirts with our logo so you can clearly see who they are. They will be changing sheets, cleaning the beds with sanitizer, and handing out towels.

We will also have Safer Sex Advocates (SSAs) wearing green shirts whose sole job will be to act as a monitor to make sure the spaces are safe, sane, and consensual. They will be listening and looking for any issues or problems so they can address them before they escalate. Their job is not to clean or work, they are only there to make sure you are safe. They are the ones who you will go to if you need any help or if any issues come up.

If there is an issue, we will have Safer Sex Professionals (SSPs) available to intervene in case there is a problem. These are trained and certified professionals with backgrounds in mediation, and counseling and are usually sexologists, psychologists, or experienced professionals that have handled these issues before.

Where is nudity allowed, welcomed, and expected?

Nudity is allowed and welcomed on the playroom floor—nothing is EVER expected of you except for respect for others and yourself. You do NOT have to be nude. We provide towels so you can cover up, but it is a good idea to bring a robe, with pockets, so you can carry your room key, lubrication, and condoms.

Note: We do provide condoms and lubricant in your welcome bags and we have more on the Play Floor in case you forget. If you have a preferred brand, please bring them with you. Remember, there are lighted trash cans throughout the playrooms, so throw your used condoms and wrappers away… Don’t be a Condom Creep!

Will music be provided or are we able to bring music to the playrooms?

We have music playing throughout our various playrooms to match the vibe of each one. Music is a very important part of setting the mood, which is why we’ve created several playlists that live on our Naughty Events Spotify channel to help create an erotic atmosphere no matter where you are. Inside the playrooms, we play a variety of music that will definitely help you channel your inner Naughty side without being too distracting.

Some of the best playlists we have created or found are:

Add at least 4 Spotify Playlist and links here:

Naughty Events Play Room Music

Yacht Rock

Pool Party Jams

Music for Sex 2023

Can singles be in playrooms or do you need to be in a couple? Are there specific playrooms that are strictly homosexual play?

Our event is targeted at open-minded couples, but we do have a limited amount of singles (both women and men) that we allow into our event each year. In order to attend, they must call us and go through an interview process to make sure that they have experience with non-monogamy, they are members of a club, group, website, or some form of experience to help us know that they understand our concept. Most of our singles have been recommended by other attendees.

Once accepted, we will review the rules for singles, which are slightly different from those for couples. Singles can go to all of the Bourbon St parties, the nightly theme parties, and most of the classes and seminars (exceptions are the couples speed dating and couples massage classes unless they attend with another attendee). For the Play Floor, they can only enter if they come with a couple, but the couple is responsible to make sure that the single adheres to all of our consent rules, if not, the couple may be asked to leave with the single if there is an issue.

We do have a Plus 1 room for singles (and couples looking for singles), but singles must get approval from our Plus 1 manager prior to the Play Floor opening and they are restricted to this area of the Play Floor.

Poly triads, throuples, and committed partners of three or more are not considered singles and they can all attend every activity and have no restrictions on the Play Floor, as long as they remain together.

Do you need to ask for consent from both members of a couple or is asking for consent from one partner enough?

Every couple is different and has their own set of rules. It’s always better to ask sooner rather than later, what those rules are, and what they are comfortable with, and if approval from the other partner is necessary, then make sure you get consent from them as well. Often in open relationships, it’s the communication factor that creates this sense of closeness and acceptance in the relationship, it’s what makes it a lifestyle. You should be comfortable with stating your wants and desires, having respect and consideration for your partner by giving them a chance to allow it or not, and then proceeding with integrity and a clear conscience.

So, if you want to play with someone’s partner, respect the relationship that they are in, and allow them the opportunity to practice their openness by allowing them the chance to discuss consent to what you’re offering.

Are condoms required?

We will always advocate for safer sex. Free condoms are provided at all Naughty Events (thanks to our sponsor Promescent), so there is no excuse not to use them. If you choose not to use condoms at our events, you are responsible for any risks involved.

What about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)?

We highly recommend getting tested before our events. In other words, “Know before you go!”

Shameless Care has home kits where you can test yourself, in the privacy of your own home! Your testing kit will come in a discreet package with a return label you can use to send it back. You can do the test at home and get your results by text. The results are simple and easy to share with others so they know your status too. Get your test here.

Do jealous altercations happen?

Sure they do. And while there’s not much we can do to prevent that from happening, what we can suggest is that you and your partner have a clear (and preferably sober) conversation PRIOR to getting on the playroom floor about what is and isn’t allowed. Be sure to cover things like Is sex with someone else ok? Is kissing or touching others ok? Is it ok for us to have sex in front of other people? Do we have a safe word? What happens if one partner wants to leave? Cover as many bases as possible and stick them, be sure to clearly communicate your rules and boundaries to others in the playroom who approach you and might want to play. If you and your partner find that you are in an argument or confrontation, please be respectful of others around you trying to enjoy their time and leave the playroom floor.

We have many classes and seminars about jealousy and how to deal with these emotions. We recommend all new couples attend these classes prior to exploring our Play Floor.

How are things like rape, harassment, and bullying handled? At what point will a Safer Sex Advocate (SSA) intercede?

We are constantly fine-tuning our approach to creating a safe and sexy environment. As we stated earlier, we will have Safer Sex Advocates (SSAs) on the playroom floor that will not clean or do anything else except observe so they can make sure there are no issues that go unnoticed.

  • All staff members will go through Safer Sex Advocate (SSA) training as it will be good for everyone to learn what is ok, and what is not.

  • All SSAs will be certified after their training in the Safer Sex Advocate program created by

The SSAs are trained to be able to discern between good Naughty play and foul play. It is important to immediately seek the help of an SSA if there are any problems that you are involved in or witness.

We hope you will have an amazing time at Naughty N’awlins. Our Play Floor is just one aspect of our event and is not for everyone. It can be an amazing experience and we hope you at least check it out while at the event. Remember, we have staff here to help you through this experience and you never have to do anything you do not want to do.

See you soon at one of our Naughty Events!


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