Stuff Doesn't Make Us Happy

I have this calendar on my desk, It’s called Tiny Buddha. Every day there is a new message, reminders to take care of yourself, reminders to not be so hard on yourself, reminders that life still goes on as long as you are breathing; quotes from some very smart people. I love to tear off yesterday’s page each morning to reveal today’s message. Some of them hit home, while others do not.

It’s springtime, time for the spring cleaning… purge those things in our lives that do not bring joy, do not enhance our lives, and get rid of the clutter. I’ve been doing some spring cleaning… rearranging things, giving them homes in my home, and releasing those things that do not serve me anymore. Too much stuff in our lives weighs us down.

Here is one of the quotes from my calendar:

Stuff doesn’t make us happy.

We might get that initial glow of excitement when we purchase new things, but it doesn’t last.
True meaning and happiness come from experiences. From family and friends. From hobbies.
It comes from the things that we do, rather than the things we own. 
~Katy Cowan

That struck a chord with me. Stuff is just stuff. What is important are the people in our lives and the experiences we have. You can always buy another shirt, another pair of shoes, and another car. But you cannot buy true friends and family. Having new experiences with the ones you love is truly magical.

We have several experiences planned this year, and we hope to see you at one of them… Naughty Nicki and Naughty J9 are heading to Venice next month for the Desire Venice Cruise. Then at the beginning of June, Nicki and I are heading to Atlanta for the Splash Takeover where we will meet up with Bob’s sister Jeanine for a fun-filled weekend hanging out with all those sexy people and celebrating my birthday. I plan on dancing a lot that weekend!

Then the 3 of us are off to Savannah for a little history, good food, and lots of relaxation cause when we get back, it is crunch time for Naughty N’awlins. In August, I am headed to Houston for the Splash Takeover there… and later in the month, I will be at Splash Mocha. I have several trips planned to visit family, I even have a special trip planned later this year that is just for me to new places and experiences. I’m excited. Do you want new experiences? All you have to do is decide to do it… and get it booked! Come join us and create new experiences and lasting memories. It’s never too late!


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