Setting Expectations and Tips to have the Best possible Experience

Coming to a BIG event like Naughty N’awlins can be intimidating. Other issues, specific to BIG events can also be frustrating. Here are some things to consider so you can arrive with the right expectations and will have a better event.

Please take a couple of minutes to read this and you will be better prepared, you waste less time and you will have better expectations.

Lines, lines, everywhere lines

Having to stand in line to get a taxi to the hotel, another line to check in to the event, one more to check into the hotel, another one to get a drink at the bar, and wait until you see the line for the elevator… There will even be lines to get into clean play spaces.

 We get it. We hate lines too. But if you know that you will be standing in line, and you use that time to meet the people in line with you, you can turn wasted time into valuable opportunities to expand your circle and make valuable connections.

 So please arrive with a patient attitude and use these frustrating moments to actually add to your experience.

Just the Tip

 Everyone will get one free pass to go to colette. We recommend going on Wednesday or  Thursday night (Thursday will probably be a little less crowded). Since you are going for free, do us a favor and tip the staff at colette. They are going to be busting their butts to clean up after everyone and they will make very little revenue on Wednesday & Thursday and will have to work harder than most nights.

 A little love goes a long way and the staff at colette is amazing and they deserve a little love ($$$$).

 While talking about tipping, please do us a favor and show all of our bartenders (at the hotel, at the Bourbon Street Parties, at the House of Blues) as well as the bellman at the hotel some love.

Take care of your waiters when you eat out and help the service industry, which has been really struggling over the past two years thanks to Covid and Hurricane Ida. If you can afford to be generous, please do.

Dress Rules

 At Colette

While we are mentioning colette, for those who haven’t been, it is a very upscale club. They have a dress code and they alter the code each year to accommodate our themes, but please dress to impress or dress up in our sexy themes.

Please do not wear shorts, tennis shoes or any clothes that you would wear to stroll down Bourbon St. Dress like you want to get laid. Put on something nice. There’s nothing worse than walking to Colette and having to leave your friends to run back to your hotel to change out of your flip-flops.

In the Hotel

You must be clothed in the lobby. No nudity please, as there are more hotel employees here and while we have the entire hotel, people from the street can look down the hall, towards the lobby and we need to keep the lobby respectful.

In the ballroom, you can be more risqué. You still can’t be “nude” but you can be body painted and wear sheer clothes, pasties, thongs, and sexy theme outfits.

For the play floor, we have a specific set of rules that we have already posted in another blog. You can go here to see the details about the play floor (so I can save space on this blog).


Room Issues

 If you have an issue with your room, we are here to help. We have a really good relationship with the hotel and we can move mountains and get things done quickly. Just come see Tess or Nicki or one of our Supervisors in the Registration area. They are happy to help you get into the correct room and make sure your stay starts out on the right foot.

Yelling at the people at the front desk won’t get you far. Trying to upgrade won’t work, because all of the room types are already accounted for. We have over 550 couples checking in on Wednesday, which is a very difficult turn for the hotel, but they are looking forward to our group and will be trying everything in their power to make check-in as smooth as possible.

If your room isn’t ready, because you arrive early, you can check your luggage at the Bell Stand and you can go explore the French Quarter, Bourbon Street, grab a bite, a drink or go hang out with other attendees and start the party. Your room will be ready soon (reminder: 3 pm is check-in).


Any Other Issues

We have over 80 people on our staff this year (a record number). We are ALL here to help. If someone on our staff doesn’t know the answer, they will radio to one of our supervisors and they will get the answer for you. It might take a minute, but we are here to help make Naughty a great experience.

Recently at an event, we put on, a couple was told they would have to pay a cover charge to enter an area that should have been free. It was probably a new employee at the hotel we were using, and they got mad and walked away. No one ever told us about this issue until months later.

 We can fix these kinds of issues on the spot. But we can’t fix a problem if we don’t know about it.

Please, no outside drinks at the Theme Parties

Every year we see people coming down the elevators with giant insulated or Solo cups with drinks they made in their rooms, only to get turned away and have to go back up to their room to return their cups.

It’s frustrating when you have to wait for an elevator once, but three times? Even more so. We know you can save a couple of dollars by bringing in your own drinks, but this is a hotel rule, we didn’t make it up, but we do have to enforce it.


Trust me, we spend countless times every year fighting about drink prices. You should see what the hotel normally charges. It’s their hotel and while we are at their mercy, they have been amazing hosts to us for many years. It’s the cost of doing business (even monkey business).

I am certain that my bar bill is higher than anyone else’s.

Don’t overdo it

Speaking of drinks… remember, Naughty is not a race, it’s a marathon. Drinks with dangerous names like the hurricane, hand grenade, resurrection, monsoon, and the purple drink (OK that one doesn’t sound scary… but it is).

 These drinks are stronger than your drinks back home. Trust us on this.

 A hurricane has four shots of rum. When they say three for one drink, they just pour three shots into one drink. Make sure you have fun but don’t get so drunk on Bourbon Street that you miss the entire party and playrooms at night.

Tip: Drink water. If you are going to drink, alternate liquor with water. You will still have fun and you will have a better time later on in the night.


Watch out for others

 It’s pretty easy to spot other Naughty attendees out in the French Quarter. If you see a friend (or even a stranger with a Naughty Badge around their neck that looks like they need help getting back to the hotel, help them.

Be safe people. Take care of your friends and they will take care of you (pun intended).

Bourbon Street gets crazy after 2 am. We suggest you stay at the hotel and don’t venture out late at night. Walk-in groups. Keep your phone and your wallet in your front pocket.

These are tips for anyone, in any big city, these aren’t specifically tips for Naughty. These are just common sense tips that will help you be safe. We are here to party and meet other people, let’s make sure we have each other’s backs and this will be an amazing year.


Attitude is everything

In the end, it’s all about how you approach Naughty. Every year we see some couples have an amazing time, they can’t stop talking about how great the event was. Right next to them, is another couple that is having a terrible time. It is the exact same experience, but their attitudes are what make the difference.

Naughty N’awlins will have over 2,100 people this year. It’s one of our biggest events, ever. We are different from small house parties. We are different from club experiences. We are the largest lifestyle, kinky, educational, sexual freedom party you may ever attend.


Because size matters…

 It brings all of these difficult issues but it also brings you amazing opportunities. It brings you first-class entertainment. A huge assortment of classes, meet & greets Bourbon Street parties, and much more.

 In the end, the best thing you can take away from Naughty N’awlins is friendships. New ones, stronger ones, authentic ones. You will find people like you and a few that are very different.

Come with a good attitude and you will leave with one of the best experiences you will ever encounter. There’s nothing like Naughty.


Tess & Bob’s 2022 Annual Naughty N’awlins Recommendations: Food


You CAN make a difference