You CAN make a difference

Every day I get an email from Daily OM that I read to start my day, along with a cup of coffee (and maybe a little Bailey’s). The daily emails are often inspirational and valuable when trying to get my intentions for the day.

Today’s Daily OM had this quote: “Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters causing ripples to spread as they move outward.

I immediately remembered a recent trip to the grocery store and the guy behind me looked really frazzled, nervous, or upset. It was hard to tell. Whatever it was, I could tell he wasn’t having a good day. I remember looking at him and smiling. A really genuine, happy smile. You see, I was having a good day and while I didn’t know what was going on in his head, I just released the positive energy I had inside and it came out in one big ol’ smile.

His face melted in front of me. I don’t know why it had such an effect on him, but the transformation was noticeable and his face softened and he smiled, if just a little bit and he said “Hi”.

I replied with a very happy “Hi”, but I didn’t want to overdo it. I just went back to smiling and putting my grocery bags in my cart.

As I left, I could hear him saying “Hi” to the cashier and his spirit seemed to be a lot higher than moments earlier when his face looked like it was carrying a lot of pain. The cashier started to beam and looked even happier than before.

It was the ripple effect. A simple smile had literally turned his frown upside down and now even the cashier seemed happier. How far would this ripple effect go? Would it carry back to his office? His home? To other people he met? What about the cashier’s coworkers, family, and friends?

Our thoughts and actions can spread further than we can see them. Imagine if everyone was just a little more positive and exerted a little more positive energy. Would we even notice the change?

With the craziness of the world today, it can be hard to think that anything you do can make a difference. It's easy to get into a rut of negativity and despair watching the news, from the pandemic, the mass shootings, fires, storms, politics, etc. Trying to stay positive in the world today is very difficult. It just seems like no matter which way you turn, there is always a struggle to overcome. It is easy to get into the mindset of despair.

How do you keep from spiraling out of control, What can I do to make the world better?

For me, I know that when I smile, it makes a difference. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t always want to smile, and please don’t tell me to smile, that is not going to make me feel better (are you listening, men?). Instead, project your happiness and positivity and others will feel your energy and it will affect them.

It really can start with something that simple.

Not only does it make you feel better, by projecting positive energy into the world, but it may just brighten someone else's day. And you know what happens when someone receives an act of kindness on an otherwise stressful day? It can compel them to want to do the same for others. It's like when you throw a stone in water... it ripples and reaches farther and farther than you can see.

The same can be said about negativity. If you put negativity out into the world, it can snowball and add stress to not only your life but those around you as well. What you put out into the world will come back to you.

We all have the power to touch people's lives, either positively or negatively, and I choose positivity.

...and I smile (a lot) and I hope my positivity ripples far beyond where I can see.

Because ripples can become a tidal wave and this world could sure use a tidal wave of positivity right now.




Setting Expectations and Tips to have the Best possible Experience


What is the most important thing you can have?