Work and Kids

It sure has been busy around here this past month. I haven’t been to any events lately like I usually am, instead, it’s been a lot of meetings and working on newsletters and focusing on prepping for Naughty N’awlins.  This year is filling up so fast, I just realized the other day that I need to get ready myself. When I’m not working on my things to do for the biggest event of the year, I’m online looking for my costume ideas and what accessories I need and how am I going to pack everything. I’m sure you are like me and have a ton of costumes, tutus (of every color), shoes, and sexy wear, but it’s never enough. I try and use what I have and add just a little more to always look different for each theme night. Those theme nights are my favorite, you get to dress up sexy or as crazy as you want. I also love seeing what other people are wearing, for me it is like watching the award shows on tv just to see what everyone is wearing. It amazes me how creative everyone is and gives me ideas.

I was just in our Naughty Members group online asking if people were getting their outfits together yet and they responded yes, it’s a few months away and they already have most of their outfits. My goal is to have everything picked out soon so I’m not rushing last minute. You know when you order online, some things take a lot longer to arrive.  I’ve been talking to some members about how they are doing themes together with their friends, matching up which is a great idea.

With all this going on, most of you know that I have a farm and the past two weeks have had me on my toes. I had 10 goats have babies (kids), some during storms, some in the middle of the night, and some right behind my back while I was standing there talking to my neighbors…. Surprise!! They are the cutest!! I’m glad they were all healthy and this time I wasn’t up every 4 hrs. bottle feeding. I can watch them play all day; wish they would stay kids. Here are some pictures of the new kids!


Navigating our Naughty Members Area


What Brings You Joy?