The Power of Gratitude

2022... it's almost over and what an adventure it has been for me! It has been a year of self-discovery, resilience and so many emotions. It's been a year of learning to live by myself (I like it!) and rediscovering the things I love to do. I've been setting my priorities and making sure I make myself a priority. I look forward to waking up every morning to a brand new day to explore more about myself.

I have been sick the past two weeks with RSV... (take care of yourselves people... this virus is no joke!) and while I always used to push myself to work, even if I am sick, I decided this time to allow myself to rest and heal. I have spent much of the last two weeks resting on my sofa, taking naps, eating lots of chicken noodle soup,  and watching lots of funny movies and some fun Christmas movies, all stuff to keep my spirits up. 

Bob suggested I watch the movie Gratitude Revealed, a documentary on the power of gratitude and how it can change your life. (Thank you, Bob!) It's a great movie and I highly recommend it! It made me think about my life and how grateful I am for everything in it. I've learned this year that living with gratitude is a way of life. I have made a conscious effort this past year to remind myself to be aware of all the things I am grateful for because it's too easy to take things for granted. I try my best to look for the positive in everything. Even when something bad happens, I allow myself to have the emotions, and then I look for something positive, as even if it is something bad, it is always a life lesson.  I've gotten so much better at looking on the bright side. And I have become more considerate of others, recognizing that everyone's life experience is different from mine, even if we experience it together. We all can change our perspective, and the easiest way to start is to live with gratitude. 

I am so grateful for my family, my friends, and all of you! I am grateful for my home, my job, and being able to travel and help create fun experiences for everyone. and I look forward to 2023... oh the adventures we will have! I have decided that my resolution for 2023 is to keep practicing gratitude. I just purchased a new Gratitude journal and I look forward to writing in it. 

Practicing gratitude changes you, it brings you happiness, it gives you peace. When you change yourself, you change the world. Let's change the world together with gratitude!


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