Memories Schedule

I’m always looking forward to saying goodbye to the end of the year and starting a new one, most just think “I can’t believe it’s already December” not me.  Looking back on the year I realized I had some great times with friends and family and traveled more since Covid started, spending more time outside than last year. Only been a few downs this year but most of all I can’t complain. That’s why I’m looking forward to the new year and keeping positive that it will be better than the last.

I’m already filling up my schedule for 2023, I’ve always been a procrastinator, so I guess I’m adding that to my New Years’ Resolution.  I usually start off strong and then go back to my old ways. This time I figured I start early maybe it will last longer.  

Looking forward to not just having a work schedule but making it a point to have a “Memories Schedule” For The last 2 months I’ve called family and friends and said, 2023 is coming, do you want to go to a concert? Pick one that you want to go to and let’s book it! Let’s go on a road trip! Let’s do a drinking painting class! Come spend a few days at my farm and we will cook out and fish, pet goats, and sit by the fire.  I want new great memories for 2023 with everyone. My work is fun, and the traveling is great but it’s like a whirlwind, and before you know it it’s time to pack up and head home. This year is going to be more time with others.  That also includes more calls and text checking in on everyone, and sending random funny videos and memes, whatever it takes. Every year in the past seems like it was the same ole same ole, I want a calendar full of “Remember when we…”  That is the best feeling. Look out 2023, I’m coming for ya!


The Power of Gratitude


End of the Year Reflection