Like many of you, Bob & Tess had some pretty major plans for 2020. And also like many of you, those plans were severely compromised by the COVID-19 pandemic. Naughty N'awlins was rescheduled twice, cruises and other trips were put on hold and basic things like hanging out in the French Quarter at New Orleans' local bars were at one point, not possible. 

But one trip Bob & Tess just couldn't seem to let go of was their September trip to Zion National Park in Utah with the Framily.  "We planned this trip before COVID, we paid for it and considered canceling but decided we were gonna go," said Bob, and so they went—but of course, that didn't happen without some struggles. 

As Tropical Storm Sally threatened the Gulf Coast, Bob & Tess found themselves having to drive to Houston, TX and fly out of there instead of New Orleans, and then proceed to their trip to Zion. But storms are something that New Orleanians have become very well adjusted to and know exactly how to get through. Bob & Tess went through Katrina, survived their own vocational storms and now they are dealing with a pandemic. 

"Someone I don't know reminded me of something I had almost forgotten. 'One lap at a time'," recalls Bob, who while in Rescue Swimmer School, underwent some of the most punishing training he had ever endured. Running, pushups, sit-ups, swimming laps, doing multi drills in the pool where 5 different instructors tried to drown you one after another. "It seemed like the pain would never stop. Most quit. I mean, like around 70% quit."

The advice he was given to get him through these testing times was to "just keep taking it one lap at a time." Lap after lap, hour after hour, Bob focused on what was in front of him, which were his goals and eventually he made it, he completed training, graduated and went into the field and end up saving many lives. 

2020 is our new pain. It is our new adversary and has turned into a year like none of us could have anticipated. It sucks. But being reminded of the saying "one lap at a time," reminded Bob that this too will pass.

That's why he and Tess decided to go on their Zion National Park trip. Because life is too precious not to enjoy unforgettable moments with your family/friends and the beauty that nature beholds. 

Whatever it is that you're wanting to do, so long as it doesn't do harm to yourself or others, do it. Don't allow the way this year has gone to rip you away from your joy, your dreams, your life. 

We are so excited for November when we get to be around all of you again at Naughty N’awlins. Things may be a little different that you're used to, but we're doing it and we're going to make it the best event possible, while ensuring the best safety practices. Little by little life is going to come back, things will open up, events will thrive and we will all get to have fun again and appreciate what we once might have taken for granted. Stay strong, enjoy life and "just keep taking it one lap at a time."


