
Hi Y’all,

Ok, I think we can all admit this has been a topsy turvy year. For me personally, there have been some incredible highs and some well let’s say some not so swell times. As much as I’d love to say that I was always beaming bright and seeing the positive side, let’s be honest, sometimes it’s just not that easy. We are living in a world of uncertainty brimming with possible change all around us. It’s exciting, scary, overwhelming, joyful, adventurous, courageous, nervous, timid, it’s more emotions than I could possibly type. So this month, I thought I’d get personal with you and share some exercises I have been practicing to help center me in these times.

DAILY JOURNAL: 3 Things I’m Grateful For

For the last 2 1/2 years I’ve been keeping an almost daily journal (I admit I miss a few days here and there), it’s based on The Five Minute Journal and I have been using Grid Diary App as my journal. I do love paper and pen, alas when your a gal on the move this isn’t always a convenient option, so this is where an app comes in handy. Every morning I wake up and I answer a few simple questions. The question I love the most is to list “3 things I’m grateful for…”. Sometimes, I’m grateful for the simplest things like the warm cup of coffee in my hand, the time I’m giving to myself to write in this journal, or simply for the crows cawing outside my window. As a side note, I love crows. I find that in taking a few moments to be grateful even for the simplest things, it brings me joy. It reminds me that I still have a roof over my head and a warm cup of coffee in my hand.

If you do end up keeping a journal, it’s great to use for reflection. The app I have pulls up your past entries, recently I was reminded that my family cabin in Colorado was spared from the fires that ravaged that area. I was most definitely grateful for that. This brings me to my next exercise.

REFLECTION: One Good Thing

Whenever I’m feeling a little out of sorts, I take a moment to reflect on one good thing in the past week. I promise you, you can always find one good thing in a week. Last week, I had a two-hour phone conversation with an old friend because we both have a little extra time on our hands. For hours we caught up on our lives, our dreams for the future and reminisced on old times. That was a GREAT thing, not just a good one. Reflecting on one good time can change your entire mood, your entire day. It’s the reminder that life is still cheery if you just look for something good.

If you feel like you can’t find one thing in a week take a wider view. Here’s a big one that keeps me smiling, it’s the day I met Bob & Tess over 11 years ago. I wouldn’t be writing this article if it wasn’t for that, to be honest, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today if we had never crossed paths. I wouldn’t know most of you and I’m pretty sure my career in this sex-positive community would not have been the same. They have taught me more than I could ever possibly explain. Most of all they have become an example in my life of a couple that lives life to the fullest and always perseveres. Thank you Bob & Tess for being a part of my life (I guess that’s going back to the gratitude bit I was talking about above).

BROADEN YOUR VIEW: Let Go Of The Specifics

We all know that 2020 has not gone as any of us thought or planned. My last tip for you is to try a little technique of broadening your perspective. I thought in July, I‘d be celebrating on Bourbon Street with y’all at Naughty N’awlins, instead, I got to experience our first Virtual Naughty Convention. It was something entirely new for me and a bunch of our Naughty Framily. At first, I felt a bit disappointed that we weren’t all together in person then I reflected on what I got from 3 days of Virtual Naughty fun. You can read more about that here. Now, I’m looking forward to seeing you guys in just a few months at Naughty N’awlins in November. Yup, it’s the third date for Naughty this year, in my view though it’s better than no date at all. By letting go of the specifics you free yourself to enjoy what you have and what’s to come, instead of being disappointed in the supposed what if’s.

There is no simple solution for dealing with 2020 or finding your peace in it. These are just a few things that I do and maybe they will bring you some solace too. I encourage you to look for the light amongst the dark, to reflect on the joyous times, and let go of what you expected so that you can be open to the joy of what you have now. I’ll leave you with a favorite quote of mine, it pops up every morning on my phone at 6:30 am.

My heart has burned with passion and searched forever for this wondrous beauty that I now behold - Rumi

It’s my daily reminder that there is beauty in front of me and everything I have been searching for is here, right now.

Much love,


Minx’s Monthly Mind Expansion:

September’s Recommend Reading:

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

  • I’m taking it back here, way back to 1902. This 30-page book is a reminder that although times have changed, the influence of positive thinking has not. It’s worth an hour or so of your time to read this one.


