Permission to Be Creative

Growing up, I always loved Halloween... while the candy was great... I loved getting dressed up in a costume. We didn't have much money growing up, so most of the time we made our own costumes out of things we had a home. I learned to sew in junior high school. It was fun cutting out the fabric and creating something I could wear.

I loved doing all sorts of crafts, creating something out of a few supplies and it was relaxing to me. I always loved letting my creative juices flow. Not everything turned out great... but that didn't matter, the act of being creative was what I really enjoyed... and if it turned out good, I was proud to say I made it.
New Orleans is the perfect costuming city, it's normal to wear a costume here any day of the week. whether it is for Mardi Gras, Halloween, festivals, or your random Wednesday. It always amazes me to see how creative the people of New Orleans can be.

Sometimes coming up with the idea for a costume takes time or sometimes you wake up from a dream and the idea is there, and you just run with it. Or sometimes you find a random piece, like a fancy headband, or you see some random photo of something and it sparks an idea.

I've created some pretty good costumes in my life... sometimes piecing together random articles of clothing and wigs, or creating one out of everyday objects like bubble wrap or raffle tickets. I have had several costume ideas floating in my head for several years... and I have finally decided to get them done. Seeing all the costumes during Mardi Gras this year has activated my creative juices... not to mention helping my friend Kristen create her costume for a Mardi Gras Ball this year.

I've been gathering things for years for a couple of costume ideas I have had... and this year is the year to do it. I give myself permission to be creative! I'm excited to see how my ideas evolve into my costumes... and hopefully, you will see at least one of them at Naughty N'awlins this year!

We will be announcing our final theme soon... it's time to start thinking of your costumes, so get creative! Whether you make your own, piece something together or just purchase one, just have fun with it. I know I will.


Flying Naked
