How to Set and Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

So often we wake up on January 1st and think to ourselves, "Hey, I need to set some goals for this year." By February we are right back to the old routine. Let's make 2023 a better year!

  1. Plan ahead. Set your resolutions now.

  2. Don't be too ambitious by setting impossible goals. You're not going to end human suffering or war in a year all by yourself. (Of course, whatever you can do to help is always a good thing.)

  3. Make a plan. How do you intend to follow through? Don't just say you want to do something, like lose weight, be specific. How much weight? What do you plan to do to make it happen? Maybe you want to lose those last 10 pounds, so you can add 5 more minutes of cardio to your workout or cut out that afternoon snack.

  4. Share your plan with others. Maybe they have a similar goal and you can work together. Or maybe they will help you achieve that goal and hold you accountable.

  5. Don't just make it all about you. Think of others and your community. Is there an animal shelter in your area that needs help? Or maybe a homeless shelter that needs volunteers? Nothing is as rewarding as helping those in need. And there's nothing more rewarding than helping out in your community!

  6. Try a monthly challenge instead of a year-long goal. It can be as simple as a 30-day challenge, like taking a picture every day and posting it on Instagram, or meditating or stretching 10 minutes every morning. Maybe even pick 12 things to do, 1 every month for a year.

  7. Maybe saving money (for more travel?) is your goal? Try shopping your closet or maybe a no-spend year. No lie, this is a tough one. I tried it a few years back and saved about $6,000! I used that money to go on a fabulous trip. It's surprising how much money we waste on silly little things every week...they really add up. 

Whatever your resolutions, we wish you and your family all the best for a safe, healthy, and Happy New Year. Be sure to share your "Naughty" resolutions with us on Facebook, Instagram, or with Naughty Members!


End of the Year Reflection


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