A Healthier You with Naughty Gym

Disclaimer: Naughty Gym is not one of our products, This is an honest review of the program and what we think of the program.

There’s been a lot of articles and blogs written, thanks to COVID, about the past year and a half discussing all of the changes to the way we work, we vacation, on how to prevent it, and how much “COVID weight” we put on.

Tess and I have dealt with a lot of things this past year, but there was one good thing that came out of this mess, we got into shape. Well, we aren’t setting any fitness records (yet!) but we are in a very different place than we were when this “thing” started some 18 months ago.

You can come up with many excuses, we sure have, about why we put on weight and stopped working out; the food in New Orleans is just too good to pass up, we weren’t using our gym membership enough to justify the cost, we traveled too much to work out, we can’t take our gym with us, COVID, because COVID. 

They are all just excuses.

We were going back and forth to Mexico so much it was hard to keep any routine, let alone utilize our gym membership. We had pretty much given up and then COVID started to become a thing while we were in Mexico and we decided to stay until it all blew over. After all, at the time, New Orleans was one of the worse places in the world for while, so why go back to the worse possible city to avoid?

Then something happened…

We started to lose weight. At first, it wasn’t that noticeable, but the longer we stayed, the more we lost. Why? Mainly because where we live in Mexico has no fast-food restaurants. No processed foods. Everything is fresh and there is a lot of fresh seafood (and we love seafood).

We ate out with friends and we noticed that they often ate half of what we did. We realized pretty soon that portion control was a big deal for Americans. It wasn’t long ago that our Large soda drinks were the same as current medium drinks. Don’t get me started about 32 oz Big Gulps and the 40 oz Super Big Gulp and the 50 oz Double Big Gulp. Does anyone really need a 50-ounce soft drink with their hamburger and fries?

We noticed that we were being sold bigger and bigger portions in the US and we tried to start eating smaller portions. We kept our “diet” simple. Less processed foods, smaller portions, fresh fish, and vegetables. A simple but effective way of life set in.

Then a friend told us about: Naughty Gym, an online workout program for lifestyle people. The program was designed to do from home, under the guidance of trained professionals, with little to no equipment. I thought to myself, this might just be the perfect thing for us to try as we were losing weight and trying to get back into shape.

The more we looked at Naughty Gym, the more we liked what we saw.

I mean, we were looking for a way to get back into shape and this program was designed to be “Naughty,” so how could we not like it? How Naughty was it? Plenty naughty for us (especially the uploaded photos of members!).

Being in Mexico, with no access to a gym, we had very limited resources to work out. So, we decided to check it out and we started on our COVID-timed journey to see if it would make a difference.

At first, there was a bit of a learning curve. There were a lot of exercises that we were unfamiliar with, so we had to watch short videos that would explain the exercise. Soon, we started watching the ones we already knew, just to hear their tips and advice on the forum. 

Pretty soon, we knew most of the exercises and we were pleased that with minimum equipment, we could keep up with their program. 

The program was designed for people that want to look better at lifestyle resorts. There was an emphasis on looking better but we were mainly interested in feeling better. Luckily for us, this program does both.

We’ve written about us meditating more and taking Yoga Classes, well Naughty Gym turned out to be a perfect addition to our new daily rituals and helped us get back on track with very little time out of our day (now that we watched all those videos).

They always start with a warm-up they call “Foreplay”, so you can get your joints and muscled going with some stretching and getting the heart pumping so you are ready for the main exercises. They lay out a daily routine that they call “Sex” and if you have access to a real gym (like when we travel and stay at hotels with nice gyms, and they call that more challenging session “Orgy”. 

They also have a Ripped/Grind section for those that really want to kick it up a notch and really get fit (we will review these later when we start doing these sections more regularly).

When you are finished with those sections, there is a warm down section called “Lube” because it includes stretches (many like our Yoga sessions) to make sure you get some good stretches in after your workout.  

The entire workout can be done in about 30 minutes if you include the foreplay and the lube, but come on, you know you should always use foreplay and lube.

We love that the workouts are changed up a lot, which is important to us keeping interested. One of our favorite thing about the program is the daily videos because the hosts are not just knowledgeable, but they are interesting, fun and make us want to tune in each day to see what we will be doing next.

It’s real. You really get to know them and trust us on this one, they are people you really want to know.

Another thing we really like is that other members post photos, updates, gains, losses and you really feel part of a community. We have never posted on Naughty Gym because we are shy like that (really, seriously, we are) and we didn’t want to confuse anyone about who owned the website.

These are our before (on the left) and after photos (below) from back before COVID started and some we just took.

Yep, it’s been quite a change, but we aren’t finished now, we still have a ways to go. We figure that our weight will stabilize soon (Tess has lost over 85 lbs and I (Bob) am down almost 50. Soon more muscle will weigh more than the fat we have lost and while we may not lose a lot more weight, our body composition will keep changing and clothes will start to fit differently. 

While Tess does hate shopping, she will put up with it if it means buying a new (smaller) dress size. The corset she has on (above) is one she used for a new corset we ordered from Dark Garden—one of our featured vendors at Naughty N’awlins.

We still have a lot to do and now that we are spending more time in New Orleans, we need to carry our healthier eating habits with us, no matter where we go. While it is easy to avoid processed food in our little town in Mexico, there are plenty of healthy options at more restaurants and grocery stores. 

We are talking to the owners about trying out their new nutrition plan to see if that will help with our choices.

We know many others who decided to use their time they were stuck home to work out, cook more and eat out less, while others put on COVID weight. It’s not too late to try out this program and see if you too can turn the corner and get back into shape.

Did we lose a lot of weight? Sure. But our real goal was not just to look better (although that is a nice side effect) but we both feel so much better. We feel more flexible, we have more stamina (yes, exactly what you are thinking) and we take less medicine.

I hope you try Naughty Gym too and see if this program will work for you. It was the perfect plan for us because of the clear instructions, the fun (& cute) hosts, and the sexy photos, videos, and community input.

We may even post a few more photos if you do…

— Bob & Tess


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