5 Ways to Improve Your Sexual Health with Dragonfly of Pure Orgasmic Love

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When it comes to life, it's not just one thing that makes it happen. And that is no exception when it comes to your Sexual Wellness.

With September deemed the month to bring awareness and focus to understanding more about your Sexual Wellness, I want to expand that into a few different directions to support your process from here forward.

You may have been led to believe that completing your sexual wellness repertoire will happen if you learn just one more pleasure technique, buy that new toy everyone is raving about, or know how to ask for what you want.

Well...yes and no. It's not just one thing. Instead, you may want to think about the wholeness of sexual wellness. And what that is comprised of and, more specifically, what that looks like for you autonomously--as we all have similar wants and needs, but they can look vastly different.

On the journey to living an Orgasmic Life, here are a few things that have made the most impact in that process for myself and my clients:


What you believe about yourself and the world around you affects how you engage with others. Having a growth mindset and getting curious about your beliefs and where they come from will support you in clearing the obstacles blocking you from pleasure.

Understanding your own wounds, needs, and desires.

Your partner(s) cannot give you what you desire if you are unclear on what you want. Figuring out what that is and facing your own wounds along the way is the first step to receiving more of what really makes you tingle.

Learning your body's pleasure potential.

How much pleasure are you capable of? MORE, the answer is always more. Awareness of your body, when combined with an understanding of anatomy and technique, can take you from where you are to where you fantasize about being.


Sex involves movement, at least the orgasmic mind-blowing kind does. You may find yourself in positions and moving in ways not part of your everyday life during sexytime. Moving regularly in ways to support your sexual health will prepare your body for when its go time.


The effect that your nutrition has on your sexual performance and health is an aspect most people miss. Yes, the foundation of your biology is your reproductive system. So this one is vital when there's talk about sexual health. And when you really dig in, what you will find is simple. The most effective way to boost your libido, energy, and stamina is to eat to support your human nutritional needs.

All of these above areas are tied into what ultimately is sexual intelligence--the sexual knowledge you can possess to support your path of more pleasure.

I want you to have a Super Sexy September and every moment forward with these items to enhance your sexual wellness year after year!

Orgasmic love & hugs,


Wanna know more about Dragonfly and living your Orgasmic Life?

Discover more at PureOrgasmicLove.com




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