Naughty N’awlins 2021 is just a couple of short weeks away and we’re so excited to see everyone! Arriving in a new city can be a little stressful sometimes and if you haven’t been traveling in a while (like most of us) you may forget a few important things about packing and the process of traveling in general. Here are a few tips on making your trip to New Orleans a little bit easier.

Be Careful with Your Sex Toys

Be sure to take the batteries out of any vibrator or electronic, battery-operated toys you’re bringing with you as this can make the detectors go off resulting in a bag search that will hold up the departing process and create a pretty embarrassing scene. Generally, you want to pack your toys handcuffs, lubes, and things like that in the suitcase you will be checking not your carry-on that you have to go through TSA check-in and bring on the plane.

Valuables and Medications

These are what you should pack in your carry-on. Anything that you would need in case of a health emergency, valuable items like jewelry, electronic devices, or money, should all stay with you, on your person, in your carry-on bag. If in the unfortunate event that the airline misplaces your suitcase, and you need something like your medications, important paperwork, or money, you aren’t stranded and out of options. Keep your valuables close and within reach.

Take a Cab

You made it off the plane, your luggage is fine, and now you have to get to the hotel. Our recommendation is actually getting a cab rather than ordering an Uber or Lyft—why? Because it’s cheaper and easier to get. I don’t know about you, but I usually have terrible service in the airport, especially where you’re supposed to meet the Ubers/Lyfts. So sometimes fumbling around with the app just isn’t worth it. But cabs come through the stand all the time and you can just wave them down and be on your way—easy! I’d carry some cash with you because if the cab doesn’t accept cards or has an issue with the machine, you’re not stuck in an awkward situation with the cab driver. Also, find out if anyone you know is arriving around the same time as you so that you can share a cab since you’re going to the same place.

Get Tested

If you are worried about COVID, need to take a COVID test, or perhaps are required to take a test before you head back home (i.e. our Canadian guests), you can get a FREE COVID test at Walgreens on Canal St., Magazine St., or St. Charles, all located near the host hotel. CLICK HERE to find out more information about free testing near you.


Expeditiousness & Balance


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