Heart Bursting Wide

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Hi, Y’all,

Oh, my literal gosh, I can’t even begin to explain how happy, ecstatic, bursting with joy, enthused, how many positive adjectives can I get in here….

Do you want to know why? Ok, I’ll tell ya. I went to my first lifestyle event since February 2020. Yup, you heard it right, almost a year and a half. Thank you CouplesXcape Houston sponsored by Kasidie.com for bringing me back to life. An extra big thanks to Richard for making this happen. So a little bit of back story for y’all, I wasn’t planning on attending CouplesXcape Houston. I’m busy right now planning Naughty N’awlins, with it being just 2 months out from our event, I thought it would be wisest to stay home and focus on work. That was until one serendipitous phone call, the week before the event was starting, that I said “Aw fuck it, I’m going!” So one week later I packed my bags headed to LAX and was off to Houston.

I hadn’t really realized how much of my social life my friendships, my framily is based in the lifestyle. I live in the burbs of Los Angeles now. Yes, I have a huge community of friends out here. I will admit that 1:30 to 2-hour drive in parking lot traffic tends to keep LA away from me and my friends there. When you add in the lockdown of last year, well to be honest there wasn’t much reason to go or celebrate. The other factor is that the majority of my friends started families later in life. That’s just not a road I choose ever to take. So here I am a 42-year-old woman (side note: my birthday was June 14th), just wanting to have fun (in a more responsible way) like I’m 20. That’s where my Lifestyle Friends come in, I literally can’t express it better than Jen Porter does in her tribute to our community, just listen here. Every time I listen to this song my eyes start to well up, it has some special memories for me.

There’s a unique community, friendship, bond, and understanding within the lifestyle. I’m blessed to have lived the majority of my life in Southern California in an accepting open-minded, kinda hippy community. I could always be myself. All of my friends know that I believe in open relationships, they accept me in my stance, as I accept them in whatever relationship standards they choose. Heck, my parents have known this about me for longer than they probably cared to. Also, my parents have been to several of our Naughty Cruises and they love our community. What can I say, I live my life out loud. I know I’m more blessed than others in our community about being able to speak our truth. While acceptance is great and that’s all we can ask for, it is different from truly understanding. That’s what I get from my lifestyle friends.

Now let’s get back to where I began and why my heart is bursting open. From the moment I arrived in Houston, I was met with hugs and embraces, an occasional (and consenting) slap on the ass. I got to catch up with the parts of my life that have been here for over 10+ years, that how long I’ve been with Naughty. I laughed my ass, I bullshitted over beers. I got to be my freaking self. I caught up with my friends as I had just seen them yesterday. I also met new people along the way. Funny story, a couple with plane seats across from me ended up at the same event. Now I know why I kept thinking those two are hot. 😘 That’s what the lifestyle is, it’s just getting to be me and say the sexy things on my mind while not be judged for them. It’s a community that likes you for who you are, in every unique facet, a place where cookie-cutter molds aren’t necessary. It’s something I didn’t even realize that I was missing, that I needed in my life, that energizes the crud out of me.

In 2019, I attended Vegas Fusion, Naughty N’awlins, Naughty Beach, and in the beginning of 2020 the Temptation Cruise, which’s when life halted for a while. You see traveling is a big part of my life and where I see the people I care about. I hadn’t really been able to reflect on that aspect of my existence until it was put on pause. I guess I have taken for granted the past 10+ years of Naughty Events taking me around the world to see my friends and some spectacular destinations. These are friendships that I have built attending all of our events and many others within the community. I have friends in Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Missouri. Pennsylvania, and I could go on. I’m talking real friends, the kind that would take you to the airport. I’m looking forward to Naughty N’awlins to see those same familiar faces and a whole bunch more that I couldn’t see at CouplesXcape Houston.

Being there reminded me of how good our community can throw an event. I’m talking top-of-the-line lighting and sound system. My favorite freaking DJ’s, illest rich and Rockin Ronnie, can mainly be found at lifestyle events. I’m also proud to call them both my personal friends. Once again another unique trait of the lifestyle, where else can you be friends with your favorite DJ. (Side Note: If anyone knows Deadmau5, I want to be his friend) I might have forgotten to mention that the guest artist was Tone Loc, I got down to Wild Thing. How could I not, that song influenced my childhood ideas of sex and probably still does. Listen y’all I shook my booty and it was fabulous.

I’m so happy the world is opening up again and that we are almost sold out for a full house at Naughty N’awlins. I need this. My heart needed this. My soul needed this. Thank you again CouplesXcape, you light my fire.

Much Love,

Minx’s Monthly Mind Expansion:

June’s Recommend Reading:

Dragon Blood (audiobook) by Lindsay Buroker

  • I’m giving you a guilty pleasure. I like fantasy and sci-fi, just to mention a few. So here it is, a 3 series saga (that I admit I’m only halfway through and love) that is both fantasy with a little bit of magic and sci-fi with other worlds. Not to mention a good classic love story.

  • For my birthday, I bought myself an Audible subscription and I must say I’m loving it. I consider myself snobbish; books only count if you’re reading them and it used to be a rule: only by paper. Eventually, convenience got the best of me and my iPad became my book library. Now, I’m finding a new joy in audiobooks. I may not catch every nuance but in general, I’m following the story, and that’s good enough, especially with a book like this. I’m listening to less music and enjoying a good read (I’m not a TV gal in general). It takes a moment to get used to and finding a good narrator is key. As a matter of fact, I’m also revisiting a favorite old classic of mine Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll


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