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Hi Y'all, 

Something you may already know about me, I'm a bit verbose. Did you read last weeks Naughty News containing my Sexy Selfie article? If you missed it, click here to read it now. I think I have this tendency because my maternal grandmother was an English teacher. I spent a lot of summers with her as a kid in the mountains of Colorado. Also, my mother had/has a knack for consistently correcting my use of vocabulary and grammar. (Side Note: I despised this when growing up but sure do appreciate it now. Thanks Mom, I know you read these newsletters 😘)

I mean what I say. I say what I mean.
I'm being quite serious here. I love knowing the definition of a word, if I'm using it properly, is it truly expressing my thoughts. So with that being written, let me introduce you to a few of my favorite words that I love to focus on. In all fairness, I won't be giving you the complete definition, it's just too lengthy. I have given you some handy-dandy links underlined in blue (FYI, not a working link) after each word and throughout this article for full terminology.  Or do what I do, use the "Look Up" feature on your phone, click here for a quick YouTube tutorial on Look Up for iPhone.

Right now, I desire to be able to travel again and and see my friends' faces in actuality. I want them all (and you too) to remain safe and healthy. I need to do my part: staying home in self-quarantine, only leaving for essential activities and taking all recommended and necessary precautions when doing so, and of course, washing my hands so frequently that I have a hand soap pump by every sink filled with coconut oil to keep them moist.

So talk to whomever you are communicating with, consider asking them their Desires, Wants, and Needs? Or if you desire, share your thoughts with me on my Instagram Post our Naughty N'awlins Instagram.

Speaking of words, this month's recommended readings focus a lot on the meaning of words and how to choose them wisely. 

April's Recommend Readings: (click the title below for the Amazon link)

  1. Hidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life by Reengineering Your Vocabulary by R. Neville Johnston

  2. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

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Using Your Words in Naughty Video Chatrooms
This a great time to practice using your words, especially when it comes to expressing your sexual desires, needs and wants. If you aren't able to tend to those physically during this time, start connecting with people in the lifestyle online in our new Naughty Member Chatrooms. You can view people on webcam or just talk in chat; practice talking about what you like, what you don't like, what you'd like to try and anything else that happens to come up. 

Not a Naughty Member yet? You can sign-up for a free basic profile. I know y'all have some time on your hands.  We've been working on new some new features to make it easier for you to connect online with your Naughty friends and Framily. More news on that soon to come, so stay tuned...

Do you know the difference between titillate and tantalize?

Before You Speak: Ask Yourself Three ?'s

I choose my words with care and positivity when I speak to myself, as well as, out loud. Some days this works well, others not as successfully. Practice makes perfect. Or maybe more astutely put, repetition builds habits.

Here's a practice I've been using for a little while, either before communicating or after talking to myself. I ask these questions, in this order.

  1. Is it kind?

  2. It it necessary?

  3. Is it true?

If my words pass the #1 question, then I go ahead and say it. If not, I move to #2.  If it doesn't pass question #2, then is there a reason to communicate it? Even if it passes #2 and #3, I remind myself that timing is important. So take a moment, figure out if the right time to express yourself is now?

This process helps me to focus on what and how I'm choosing to impart my thoughts. Are my words, their literal meaning, matching my ideals? If not, clarification is usually in order. (Side Note: In case, you're wondering. Yes, I do "talk" to myself to clarify things, when I find myself in a "negative" thoughts.)

Ass⸰U⸰Me: Making an Ass out of U and Me
In these times, when our face to face contact is limited by: megabytes, cellular service, and high speed internet, it may be easy to slip into simple text mode. Or simply "thinking" that you are both on similar thought trains, without putting any necessitating into asking/receiving direct clarification/confirmation. Usually you don't figure you are off course until after you've gone past your stop by 3 cities, given a metropolitan tour of the city that's 3,000 miles away from your destination, all just to have to redirect the tracks, head back to the beginning and start all over again. 🤦‍♀️ IKR.

This is me being sarcastic. I abhor IKR (I Know Right) and most standardized short hand. Instead of simply asking a question, "Do you feel the same way?". You make an assumption with IKR. Also this tends not to leave much room for an honest reply. 

My solution to technology, just ask a simple question.

  • Could you clarify that?

  • Would you mind giving me a bit more detail?

  • Can you repeat what you think I said, in you own words?

Remind yourself, just because you're using the same words doesn't always mean you have the same definition or intent behind them. Simply asking one of these questions will give you more information than you could ever assume.

Last Bit of Babble
Count how many times you say the word BUT in a day? Every time you notice yourself using the word BUT, I kindly ask you to remind yourself of the following:  BUT tends negates every thing said before it and makes whatever is spoken after it feel less significant, most likely, less heard. 

I'm simply grateful for my Naughty Framily and this electronic form of communication, that allow me to share the practices I live. 

So much love, 


