
Hi Y’all,

Let’s talk about one thing, one single solitary thing. The “thing” can be anything, we're just going to focus on one though. At this exact moment are you focused on one thing? What is that one thing? Now here is some better question: is that thing your top priority, is it doing the best for you? The saying focus on one thing is pretty common, you’ll hear it in such popular quotes:

“Take it One Step at Time”
“Take it Day by Day”
“Breath In, Breath Out”
“One Thing at a Time”

Literally, this list could go on forever (or seem like it). In 2020 with the multitude of changes and pivots, it may nearly feel impossible to focus on one thing. To be honest, this is just the way our brains are wired, we are comfortable in a normal patterns. This year is asking us to grow and step up to new challenges. My personal encouragement for you is to finish out the year by bring your focus to “one thing”, let your mind be in the present moments. The future is always untold, so you might as well be here now.

Alright, you may be asking “How in the world am I going to focus on one thing?”. There are so many things I have on my “To-Do List!”. No matter who you are we all have a lot to do. I would imagine even monks in Buddhist temples have a to do list, it may center around mediation and chores. So how do you choose? Personally, I break down my one thing(s) for each day into 3 categories.

  1. Physical

    I make sure to move my body every day. I make it a priority. Get your blood flowing, as the saying goes. I’ve talked to y’all about how hiking makes me happy. It’s not just hiking, it’s movement in general. One of my favorite activities is an after-dinner stroll when the cool night air takes over. For me, this is a great way to wrap up your day, think about tomorrow and just drift away. Side Note: For you couples out there, you could add this to your after-dinner routine, take a walk, share your day, just talk. When I need inspiration or a break throughout the day, you can usually find me doing yoga on the floor, I’m always in comfy, yet stylish clothing and any old floor will do. 10 minutes of stretching and breathing is such an amazing mind cleanser. If you are one of the brave few that can bust out a morning exercise routine straight out of bed, you have made a massive head start on your day. Even in my primetime, I take at least an hour to wake-up before any form of real body movement is happening.

  2. Professional

    Yes, my priorities are in a particular order. I find that if I can get physical before getting down professionally, then I perform better (pun intend). I completely get it that you have a bogged down inbox, a list of priorities, and due dates, so how do you choose just one? Ask yourself, what is one that thing is your top priority? When you ask, really think about it. Let’s be honest, is anyone going to die if an email does not get an immediate response? In this day age, anyone that has a top work priority and desperately needs to get a hold of you will probably call your cell phone. Heck, they will text. Due dates especially at work come into play. I’ll be honest with y’all this article was due yesterday, so today “Minx’s Latest Love” was my “One Thing”. Tada, now you know where the inspiration came from. The next priority, planning out a new and exciting Naughty N’awlins in 2020. Here is another little tidbit. I kindly ask that you check in every once in a while and make sure due dates aren’t winning over actual productivity. We all have expectations of how we would like things and when we want them, especially in the professional world. Remember to focus on the bottom line. Are your actions producing tangible results?

  3. Spiritual (Personal)

    I hope the word “spiritual” hits you in the right way, if not you can use the word “personal”. I personally like “spiritual”. I refer to myself as a bit of a dirty hippy (and sometimes a fairy). To me it simply means actions that are helping to improve me as a human being, on this planet, at this time. I will tell y’all I meditate 20 minutes every morning, right after making my bed and brushing my teeth. It’s been a fairly regular practice of mine going on 12 years now. Knowing that this is not a practice for everyone, I’m going to let you in a personal life changing experience that I started roughly two and half years ago, read for 30 minutes a day. There is a plethora of knowledge out there. Books (or audiobook) happen to be my favorite format. I do know many an avid blog and newsletter enthusiasts that get their reading in that way. What you choose to read is an important question you may want ask yourself? I mean heck, you could easily “read” through 30 minutes of Facebook feeds. I personally wouldn’t count this as quality reading time nor would I feel like it was adding to my knowledge base. Before I get sweaty and physical, I make my morning coffee, put it in my Camelback travel thermos (it keeps warmer longer), curl up in a sheepskin covered chair, sip my warm caffeine, and read for 30 minutes. I prefer a digital Kindle format, it’s just more compact. My morning reading time is mainly focused on books that further my professional growth.

    Side Note: I get some extra reading time with audiobooks, those are usually more motivational, biographical, or spiritual based. Occasionally, I throw in a fun read. I’m going to let you in on a little back story, I use to have a shall we say “a thing” with audiobooks. I swore they weren’t for me, I couldn’t retain the information, blah, blah, blah (insert excuse). I have learned that audiobooks are fan-freaking-tastic, I’m a convert. You can take them anywhere: your car, your workout routine, 30 minute wait at the doctors office, no problem, I got time to learn. Pro tip: Hit that 30 second rewind, hit it again, hit it as many times as it takes you to catch what is being said. If you only get 80% of what the book was about, that’s a whole lot better than 0% of the learning you’re getting from your favorite music station.

Having clear goals and sticking to them, will make sure you stay on course. When something just isn’t quite working don’t be afraid to pivot, this is a year of change. 2020 will be what you prioritize and plan. Prioritization and planning are whole topics onto themselves. Check out my mind expansions to further you along in find your “one thing(s)”. HIppy Dippy Side Note: Have you ever looked into the numerology behind the numbers 2 & 4, enjoy that rabbit hole y’all😘

Much Love,

Minx’s Monthly Mind Expansion:

October Recommend Reading:

The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan

  • My entire inspiration for this article is owed to this book. It’s an easy inspirational read. Click the link and bring some focus to 2020.

October Recommend Listening: 

Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny by Mark Victor Hansen & Crystal Dwyer Hansen

  • This is a perfect feel good book to listen to when do crossing off “to-do’s” that don’t require brain power, example I cook & audiobook. The concept is simple, yet profound, ask the questions you are looking for the answer to. It’s written by the folks of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Oh the memories those books conjure up my childhood, I can clearly picture the stacks of 2’s or 3’s about anyone’s house in those days. You see you never owned just one Chicken Soup for the Soul book, you owned many iterations of it, They were usually staple reading accessories of side tables (or bathrooms).


