Hygeine Matters

We should not have to write a blog about good hygiene, but we do, because some people just don’t get it. So here goes:

Clean up before you go out

The obvious reasons to make sure you are as clean as a whistle before going out on a date, attending a lifestyle event or playing with others should be known to most people, but we still hear stories that make us shake our heads.

First and foremost, take a shower. And while you are at it, brush your teeth, use some mouthwash and use some deodorant. These are the basics that you should do right before heading out the door. At Naughty N’awlins, there are daily Bourbon St parties where you will sweat and somewhere you will get foamy, there are pool parties that will leave your skin smelling like chlorine and classes that could end up with afternoon sessions leaving you smelling like, well, sex.

Don’t skip out on that early evening shower and don’t skip out on a good cleaning ritual before heading out. No one wants to smell what you were doing all day, so get a “fresh” start and you’ll have a better chance when you head out at night.

Naughty Tip (just the tip): When you go back to the room to play, make a quick shower part of that playtime. Washing each other prior to playing is a way to get to know, and explore, each other’s body before you head to the bed. This not only ensures everyone is clean, but it will get everyone really worked up and ready for fun. This is a great way to start foreplay, which will always end in a better time than if you just go straight to playing.

Keeping your genitals clean protects you and your partner from infections and skin conditions caused by bacteria or yeast, but not being clean can seriously turn people off and even make them change their minds about playing.

There is no bigger turn off than bad breath. Not only should you brush your teeth prior to going out on a lifestyle date, but if you can use some mouthwash right before (or at least a breath mint) before playing. If you smoke, you should always carry a breath spray or try some gum on the way to your final destination.

Don’t forget to get up and urinate after sex. We also recommend drinking a glass of water. If you take the time to bring your play partner a glass a water, that will make a big impression on them. Bonus points!

A close Shave

If you are going to shave, and this goes out to both women AND men: We recommend the Seiko Cleancut Razor. You can’t cut or nick yourself with this razor and you won’t get razor bumps from ingrown hairs. Best part, it leaves you smoother than if you used a regular razor and you don’t have to worry about getting in close, you can literally shave without looking.

Do not brush or floss your teeth right before you have oral sex. Flossing and brushing can sometimes cause your gums to bleed and this makes it easier for you to spread or catch an STD.

We recommend having a mouthwash available for after sex. Scientists at the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre found that one minute of gargling the mouthwash was enough to reduce gonorrhea bacteria by nearly half.

Tips for Men before playing

If a man is uncircumcised, he should pull back the foreskin and wash it properly both before and after sex. He should also pee afterward, and then clean up a bit if he's going to spend the night with his play partner.

He should also wash his hands and scrub, trim and file his nails regularly. And guys… don’t forget your feet and toes. If your partner sees that you do not take care of your feet and you have some snaggle toenails going on… they may wonder what else are you not caring for. You don’t need to get a pedicure, but remember that your partner is going to be seeing you from many angles, make sure they help your cause, not hurt it.

Make sure you have a good deodorant and don’t go too hard on the cologne, some people can be sensitive. The goal is to smell fresh and clean, not overpowering.

Tips for Women before playing

If you are a full bush kinda gall, know that you need to work harder to make sure you smell fresh down there. If you go out dancing or if it is hot outside and you have to walk for a bit before heading back to play, know that you are going to have to go to the bathroom and at least wash yourself if you do not go with the pre-play shower tip we mentioned above. Rinse with warm water and dry off with a towel before heading to the bedroom (note: some soaps can cause irritation, so only use soaps you are familiar with.

Avoid douching as a method to wash out your kitty cat, it can increase the risk of infections, pregnancy issues and other problems. Don’t worry, your vagina can clean itself naturally.

Cleanliness is next to

Not only is it important for you to make sure you are clean, but it is important to have a clean location where you decide to play. At Naughty N’awlins you are lucky, because the playrooms are always clean and inviting. The mood is already set for you, all you need to do is show up and get ready for some fun. There are bathrooms available on the playfloor so you can freshen up before heading into one of the playrooms.

If you decide to go to your room instead or you are heading to your house, make sure you took the time to straighten up a little before heading that way. Nothing makes someone not want to play with you than coming back to a place with dirty laundry piled up everywhere, dirty dishes in plain sight and a place that doesn’t smell good.

Take the time to get your place picked up before heading out… just in case.

Naughty Tip: Not only is it nice to go to someone’s place to play and find it neat and tidy, but if you go the extra mile and light a candle, turn on some mood lighting and use a suble fragrance (incense, diffusers and essential oils work well). Set the mood and be creative setting the right vibe for a super sexy playtime.

Know before you go

The best way to know that you are “clean” is to know your STD status BEFORE playing. You can order a kit from Shameless Care to self administer a full panel STD test right in the privacy of your home. Be responsible!

Put affiliate link to Shameless Care here

Now go out there and have some good CLEAN and Naughty fun…


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