Swing Cleaning Your Closet

It’s Springtime again, for most it’s time to open your windows and spring-clean your place. Here on the farm, it is too windy, dusty, and cold so I’m spring-cleaning my closets. I have officially come to terms with last year and especially this past winter when I gained a few unwanted pounds. Everything that I try on is fighting against me so this week I have been digging through everything, trying everything I have on and forcing myself to let go of the things that don’t fit and what I never wear but have been holding on to thinking I want to keep. I usually have a yes, no, and maybe pile. I’m sure most do the same, have clothes they don’t want to part with even though they know you will never wear them again.

I am also going through my lifestyle events costumes, outfits, and accessories. It is time to throw out the old and in the new! Each event or club has themes so through the years I have stocked up. A lot of the events share the same themes, so you get to wear them multiple times. I usually just add different accessories to change up the looks and it saves money, but it’s time to get some new fresh looks. I have been online looking at upcoming events and getting theme ideas that I can again wear multiple times and still have different looks. If you’re planning your trips for the year, it is a good idea to also plan your event wear also.

Donate your things and while you are there, look at what is there, there are good finds at donation places that you can wear or accessorize with what you already have. I even donate my throw beads, boas, and headpieces.  You can make cool stuff with those as well so think of some ways to recycle and different uses. My favorite looks at events are the hand-crafted looks, to me, it makes it more awesome. I am totally not crafty like a lot of my friends, but I try.

So, if it is still too cold to open your windows where you’re at, just open your closet, turn on some music, and open a bottle of wine.  I am looking forward to all the sexy awesome looks this year.


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