You Know What I Mean, Right?

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Hi Y’all,

I love words. I like grammar. I cherish semantics.

You c what i Did there? If you did, it’s probably because U2 cherish semantics. You’ll also be able to read over those grammatical errors easily.

This is: se·man·tics /səˈman(t)iks/


  1. the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. There are a number of branches and subbranches of semantics, including formal semantics, which studies the logical aspects of meaning, such as sense, reference, implication, and logical form, lexical semantics, which studies word meanings and word relations, and conceptual semantics, which studies the cognitive structure of meaning.

    • the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.

      plural noun: semantics

      "such quibbling over semantics may seem petty stuff"

This will be the only word that I will be giving you the definition of. From here on out, you can learn more about any word that is underlined by clicking it, I’ll link it to the dictionary definition. If you just want to get the gist of what I’m saying here, just keep on reading I promise I’ll get to the point in the end and this story is going to be a bit of long circle, so I hope y’all enjoy these thoughts in my head.

I’m fascinated by colloquialisms and dialects. I always have been since I was a young child. I moved a lot as a kid, I was an “Air Force brat” my dad use to fly fighter planes for a living. I have lived just about everywhere, at least that’s how I feel. Being a mere toddler in Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada, to playing in tobacco fields as a young child out in Goldsboro, North Carolina. I wish y’all could hear my very slight Canadian accent come out or the slow Southern drawl when I say either of these words. When you move around a lot you tend to pick up the local subcultures.

I love being down in New Orleans and the south in general. I swear nothing is funnier than over hearing “He was happier than a pig in shit!.” I live in Southern California where you will commonly overhear things like “Her aura was just glowing!” Both of these conversation are basically saying the same thing—someone was happy.

Here’s another little tidbit you may have figured out about me: I’m quite verbose and happen to know many words along with their dictionary definitions. What can I say? I was a bit nerdy as kid and liked reading the dictionary, as you know I still love to read books. Additionally, I’ve been pondering the word '“president.” This one word has almost lost its literal meaning these days; a president could be a CEO of a company to the a teenage High School President. I find it funny how words work and laugh a little internally that so much meaning can be put into a word or title.

We are in a world that is fluctuating and I believe that we are all doing our best just to get through this time. My own personal working world has gone Virtually Naughty. We are hosting virtual parties, conventions and cocktails hours with multiple clubs from all over the world. Yes, my physical world maybe a bit restrictive, I’ve also been given the gift of meeting people from all over the world who are still just having a good old time. It also makes me ponder the world changes we are all going through. I think we all feel a bit frustrated and we are all just trying to be understood, having a safe virtual space to come to and getting silly in my own home has been a welcome relief in life.

I personally believe that people are genuinely “good people”. I think this world is frustrated because sometimes our words, our language, doesn’t truly express how we feel. We as a society are becoming more aware of these things, we are currently asking questions and attempting to change our language to match our thoughts. It can be as simple as asking an individual what pronoun would they like to be called (he, she, them ,they…). The whole point is to respect one another and broaden your horizons while doing so. In this rapidly changing world, we all are probably going to slip up sometimes. A lot can get’s lost in translation. I kindly ask us all, myself included, can we please stop trying to see our difference and start looking for our similarities, so that we can all just get along?

Let’s stop arguing about semantics and start to better understand the meaning of consideration. With all that being said. I will leave you with a final thought. My own personal favorite saying: “I don’t throw stones, in my glass house” I hope you enjoyed the gist of this article. I’m looking forward to see you in our Virtual Naughty world or wherever you choose to #GetNaughty!

Much love,

Minx’s Monthly Mind Expansion:

August’s Recommend Reading: (click the title below for the Amazon link)

Hidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life by Reengineering Your Vocabulary by R. Neville Johnston 

  • Want to get super geeky and a bit hippie about the words you use and even when you think, then this book is all for you.

August’s Recommend Watchlist: (click the title below for the Amazon link)

Eddie Izzard: Circle

  • Eddie Izzard is one of my all time favorite comedians and this is my all time favorite comedy specials by him. It’s a laugh a minute story with a very long point. I hope if you choose to watch this you will see the “circle” in the story.

Both of this month’s recommendation came into my life in my mid to late 20’s about the time when I was pivoting learning and changing. They both seem equally appropriate during this time.

Side note: It was in these same years that I became Minx.


