If you're going to travel during this time, it's imperative that you stay safe and take the risks at hand very seriously. Regardless of where you stand on this whole situation, there is just no getting around not wearing a mask in most places. There are a lot of businesses still closed, only doing take-out or providing limited services. It's not ideal, but that's just how it is right now and all we can do is adapt, especially if we are going to travel. So if you must travel during this time whether it's due to work, family or you just need to get out (we get it) for your own mental sanity, you must be safe; not only for you, but others too.
Travel safely using the tips below:
Get Tested
Before you go anywhere, get tested. It'll be easier to be proactive about it and get tested in the state you live in and before you even have the chance of getting ill. Travel knowing without a doubt that you are clear and feel confident in being able to say so if needed. There's usually about a 2-4 day turn around for results, so be sure to plan accordingly. Click here for more information on COVID-19 testing in your state.
Have Emergency Contacts
Find someone you know and trust, let them know you're traveling and where to, and make sure their information is in your phone and even written down somewhere handy in case some thing should happen. In the worst case scenario, it's best if medical professionals have your emergency contact info so they can notify them. It's always a good idea to try to memorize their phone number and email as well.
Do Your Research
Find out what's open and what's not in your surrounding area, what services are available and where the closest emergency healthcare units are just in case. Also, check to see what the numbers are looking like in that area—just to be safe. Plan out the places that you feel are safest to go to in terms of food, drinks or any other experiences you're looking for. It's hard to be spontaneous and go with the "no plan" while traveling during this time when most businesses are compromised and we need to take our health very seriously.
Keep a Record of Where You Go
Try to remember every single place you go whether it's a grocery store, a public bathroom, a person's house, anywhere. If in the event you do get sick, you'll be able to back track where you went and could possibly help find the source. Write it down in your notes in your phone, keep receipts or take pictures of where you are.
Stay healthy
You can get sick anywhere—your health follows you everywhere you go. Keep your immune system strong by making healthy food choices while eating out, drinking lots of water, practice safe sex and sleep well. Try not to over do it on the drinking as that can weaken your immunity, make your own food as much as you can and wear a mask when in public. The more precautions you take to stay in good health, the less likely you'll be sick.
Carry a Kit
Make sure you have all the things you need for exceptional hygiene and safety. Bring your mask (I recommend bringing two), hand sanitizer, wipes and rubber gloves if you want to for touching surfaces. Having these things handy will help keep you safe, clean and virus-free.
Respect the Guidelines
If you're going/need to take the risk of traveling, be respectful of the rules and guidelines of where you are going. Restrictions vary from state to state, which is why doing your research is so important. The last thing you want is to get into a bad situation because you didn't follow the rules. Wear a mask, keep 6ft distance, don't go out if you're feeling sick. Weird rules, but pretty simple.
Stay safe out there y'all!
Source: Funky Big Sam keeps a trombone’s distance @flyneworleans Instagram (New Orleans Airport)