Here's a letter to Tess from Minx...

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Dear Tess,

This ASN article highlights you as on of the most influential women in the lifestyle but I'd like to tell you why you are one of the most influential women in my life. 

It's been a little over ten years since you came into my life and the impact you've had is enormous. I've traveled the world with you. We've shared so many experiences that most people would only dream of.

More than the experiences we've had, it's how you've shaped my life as woman and human being. You inspire me, as a strong business woman who has built a successful and lasting company with Naughty Events. I've watched you through the years navigate life with grace, to quote your favorite saying "It is what, It is".

You have been a shoulder to cry on. A mentor when I needed one. And you've always been more than willing to tell me to "put my big girl panties on and deal with it", when that's what I needed. Most importantly a ride or die friend (gas, gas, gas!)

With all my heart, Tess I appreciate you!
Thank you for influencing my life. 

Much love, 

(For those of you that don't know me, I'm Minx Larsen, the Event Production Manager at Naughty Events. And normally Tess would proof reading this newsletter but I'm writing it as a SURPRISE.)

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"....Women have been trained that it is bad to explore our sexuality... while it is ok for a man to do it. Learning to free your mind of this mentality and open up to new experiences can be hard. But once you do it is amazing..."

Click here for full article. 


"....Being monogamous is hard, and was for many years because I was facing the fact that I just wasn't made that way, regardless of how in love I was with a partner..."

Click here for full article. 


"....I think that a lot of realationships don't communicate desires and wants well enough to be ablle to articulate at crucial moments...."

Click here for full article. 


"....Being told I was free to explore my sexuality was a foreign territory. It's one thing to talk about freedom, quite another to be dropped off in the wilds and told, "okey, your free, have at it"...."

Click here for full article. 


"....Be honest. First, to you, then to your partner and your relationship, third to your community and the people around you...."

Click here for full article. 


"....Go your own pace. Do not advice from people. That is their situation, this is yours. Don't let anyone rush you if you are not comfortable. No mean, No, and don't have to worry about hurting people's feeling...."

Click here for full article. 


"....questions about jealousy: if we had those emotions and how we dealt with them. The answer is yes we had them and even today from time to time that emotion comes out, but again communication is the key...."

Click here for full article. 


".... I don't have a degree in human sexuality, however I provide insight to others by sharing my opinions on how I navigated the sexual non monogamy lifestyle with my husband...."

Click here for full article. 


".... For me it has been reconciling new view that contradicted some traditionally held beliefs about sexuality, promiscuity and respect as a woman for myself and from my peers, and love vs. sex...."

Click here for full article. 


"....When moving from a monogamous to swinging mindset, the first step is to get on the same page as your partner when it comes to what you want out of the lifestyle, and out of your relationship...."

Click here for full article. 


"....I had no intentions of getting into another monogamous relationship and he had never been monogamous. So, we entered our relationship as non committed partners...."

Click here for full article. 


"....Transitioning your relationship, your way of life, can bring a number of challenges. I'd say the biggest challenge for us was learning each other's boundaries..."

Click here for full article. 

Here Is A Letter To Tess From Bob…..

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Dear Tess,

I just wanted to say how proud of you. Many already know that you were the 1st person I ever kissed in my life and this is the single best decision I have ever made. 

My life has taken such a different direction than I had planned and I am so thankful that we met and that I finally decided to kiss someone and that person was you.

You have opened doors for so many people to have happier and more fulfilling lives. Your efforts have touched so many people, especially women that were unsure, nervous and questioning their own sexuality and relationships. You have been a mentor, a friend and a professional role model to countless people over the past 36 years that I have known you.

But most importantly (to me) you have been my rock. You have been my partner in life and I cannot imagine my life without you.

Thank you for your inspiration, your honesty and your unconditional love.

You are certainly a woman of influence. You are my Queen.

I love you,


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Thankful for You!